Speaking with Jo Hewitt, mum of four boys at Hoe Bridge School.
#003 - Welcome to Life at Hoe Bridge School, the podcast where we speak to pupils, staff and parents to find out what it’s really like. Every week we’ll be talking to one of the members of the school community to hear real stories of life in the school.
And today we’re talking to Jo Hewitt, a mum of four pupils, so she really is someone who knows the school inside out. In this episode we speak to her about how to choose which school is right for your children, how to manage every day life at the school (including the school run) and we explore some of the opportunities available to pupils at Hoe Bridge School.
Tracey Clarke-Sullivan flies us into the home of Jo Hewitt so you can hear what she has to say. Come with us as we step inside now.
Website: www.hoebridgeschool.co.uk
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Twitter: HoeBridgeSchool