School life with Anna Ruddy and some of the pupils
#019 - Welcome back to Life at Hoe Bridge School, the podcast where we speak to pupils, staff and parents to find out what it’s really like. Every week we’ll be talking to members of the school community to hear real stories of life in the school. Now, in this episode we’re speaking to Anna Ruddy, as well as some pupils at the school.
Member of staff, Anna, will tell us what’s like working with the youngest children in the school, how she copes with all the noise and any tips she has for parents managing family time with work and school.
But we also get to hear from some of the children themselves, Jack, Orla and Casper. They’ll tell us a bit about themselves and their school life at Hoe Bridge, it’s really great to hear from pupils and all the good things they have to say!
So some with me now as we speak to Anna and some of the pupils from Hoe Bridge School.
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